Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Vagina Monologues

Well, this is not exactly a book perse, but rather a play, whose monologues were published in a book. It's very good. Whether you are a man or a woman you will learn a lot by reading this book. The monologues are witty, humorous and at times they make you want to cry. It's specially incredible to me how elegantly she exposes the monologues, taking into account the subject matter.
"Reclaiming Cunt" is just hilarious, and "My Vagina Was My Village" and the "Coochie Snorcher" monologues tear you apart inside.
If you are not much for reading and can't catch the real Monologues there is a DVD made by HBO. Eve Ensler does her original show, and it's TRULY interesting and inspiring. My husband watched it with me and he actually liked it, so to all you Vagina loving guys out there, don't be deterred by the name!

1 comment:

mesfox said...

Finally, books and good issues for college students. Well done Yirssi. I'm going to check back often.