Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sex and the City by Candace Bushnell

Personally I love all things Sex and the City. I became obsessed with the show and was sure I would love the book. Well, I was kind of wrong.
The book is definitely easy to read, and even if it was written in 1996 Bushnell’s style is clever and that makes the book fresh. How can you help but to not fall in love with Carrie and her lifestyle? Any fun loving writer –such as myself- would enjoy to party until four in the morning, write about sex and relationships, and oh, yes, live in NYC. But as you keep reading the book you do wonder what the heck is wrong with the characters, and at points even feel sorry for them.
The book is drawn from the real life New York Observer column that Bushnell used to write. When you realize these characters are quite possibly real people, you begin wondering whether everything is OK in the psychology department of said characters. Are “The International Crazy Girls” really such shallow gold diggers? Don’t the “Bicycle Boys” sweat in their tweed jackets and make them stinky? Is Carrie actually Candace? And is this how life truly is in the great city of NY?
The biggest drawback that I found with the book is that the women are obsessed with marriage. Even Carrie seems obsessed with it, even if she doesn’t want to admit it to herself. This makes me wonder, does Ms. Bushnell only know how to write about successful women who are incomplete because they don’t have a man?
In the end Carrie and Mr. Big can’t make it work out though, Mr. Big disapproves of Carrie’s lifestyle, and Carrie seems to become annoyed at Mr. Big’s nonchalance.

The movie of Sex and the City is coming out this Friday, 30 of March. A wedding is definitely in the plot, so I wonder if marriage will mean closure in this whole story.

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