Monday, March 24, 2008

Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton.

I wondered whether I should write about this book or not, since I pretty much hated it. But I suppose this blog wouldn’t be of much use if I just spoke of good or entertaining books.
I don’t know much about May Sarton, but I guess she’s written a good number of books, especially poetry ones. This book is her journal for a whole year. In it she focuses on what is like for her to be living in almost complete solitude in her house in Nelson, with only some animals for company. She sometimes has human company such as friends and neighbors, and she also travels to different colleges to do speeches.
But most of the time she is alone with her plants, and that’s basically all she writes about. She is also very depressive, and the book, being focused on being alone and depressed, is at times very sad. But most of the time is just boring; because lets face it, not many people want to read 200 and some pages of flowers and solitude…

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